01/07/2019 - Monitoring visits of Dual Training.

Monitoring visits of Dual Training.

With the aim of responding to the needs of the work market, the vocational training dual bet to increase the collaboration among professional educational centers and companies, in the student's formative process. In this school year 2018 -2019 we have started to teach in the dual modality the medium-grade cycle of agricultural production. The agreements of collaboration between the company and the school have been formalized to be able to carry out the FCT in the modality dual. After educating the company tutor, the individual agreement is implemented where the conditions are established in order to develop a dual training. After some time, when the student is in a company, the monitoring visits begin which will determinate how will be the following of the practices and the objectives are defined for the student who will have to achieve them during summer.

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19/06/2019 - Technic Journey of fruit growing in Mas Badia (IRTA)

Technic Journey of fruit growing in Mas Badia (IRTA)

The technic journey of fruit growing has provided the quality improvements of the second medium-grade students of agriculture and livestock holding, in the discovery of new varieties and crop techniques. They visited Mas Badia, a center that works together with IRTA. It's about an experimental farming season which has as objective conduct the activities of agricultural experimentation that allow the improvement and orient the province of Gerona's farming.

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05/06/2019 - Study Visit in Can Bartomeu (Prats de Rei)

Study Visit in Can Bartomeu (Prats de Rei)

Friday, May 24th the students of first medium -grade of agriculture and livestock went to visit Can Bartomeu. This company has as activities, for example, the extensive crops (it has 500 hectares: some of them are Can Bartomeu's property and the others are leased), works to third parties, fatten up porcine and expand agrotourism. The house son, Marc Fitó, has taught us the activities in which the company is engaged, remarking the plagues and crops illness and the way to confront them. Besides, he has taught us and explained the machines they use, their characteristics and functioning. Whereas in the agrotourism, Marc has told they have a rural independent lodging modality. To conclude, it has been a visit in which the students have had the opportunity to see the different activities focused on the same field, and thanks to these varieties of activities, the company is able to work.

02/06/2019 - We celebrated the Festa del Camp.

We celebrated the Festa del Camp.

Sunday, 2nd of June we celebrated the Festa del Camp, 2019. Four hundred people assisted and this year the sun shined all day. Like every year, ex-students of old promotions were invited to the celebration; this year they accompany us the 33rd and 36th promotions. The party started with the usual final of the football championship where the blue team took the victory, with representatives of Forestal with a score in favor of 8 goals to 6. ¡It was a very close ending! In parallel began the gymkhana of tractors, organized by the school's teacher Josep Bagaria. This game tests in the ability and driving of tractors. The winner was Ferran Faig of 2GM of Gardening, in the second position Jaume Roquet of 2GM of Forest and the last place was for Mr. Xavier Capdevila, Arnau Capdevila's father, student of the school. The academic event was lead by Mr. Francesc Javier Vela, JARC's president, Mr. Toni Martorell, Director of Quintanes, Mr. Miquel Torrents, Presidento of the Fundació Antiga Caixa Manlleu, Mr. Joan Roca, President of Consell Comarcal d'Osona and Mr. Sergi Vilamala, Mayor of Les Masies de Voltregà.The parliaments of the authorities defined us as integrative school, active and open to the environment and who looks after the development of the students. During the academic event, the awards "Q" were given, that each year are given in recognition of the companies and people who contribute to the school. This year, the award was for the company Juscafresa S.A and Codina Maquinària and Mr. José Santaella. A great dinner was prepared by our cooks, which consisted of rice salad and meat to the ember. After having lunch, as every year, we had the chainsaw competition. The winners were Santi Hidalgo, Eduard Jou, Xavi Corominas and Pau Davesa. ¡It was a great party! As usual thanks to all the students, ex- students, teachers, non-teaching staff, friends and EFA Quintanes's collaborators. We are grateful for all their dedication and participation, without which couldn't have been done La Festa.

30/05/2019 - Student Visit to the Camprodon volunteer fire station

Student Visit to the Camprodon volunteer fire station

Thursday, 16 of May, the first CFGM students of d'aprofitament i conservació del medi visited the Camprodon volunteer fire station. There, they explained to them the differences between volunteer firefighters and professional firefighters. Besides, they could visit all the installation of the fire station, know first-hand and how to act in an emergency and see all the fire truck equipment. After all these lines, we want to thanks Francesc and Pere, as well as GRAE who attended to us with their explanations

24/05/2019 - TP Josep Mª Riba, biologist

TP Josep Mª Riba, biologist

The biologist Josep Maria Riba was in a professional get-together with the second CFGS students of Gestión Forestal (Forest Management). The theme was about factors that predispose and trigger plagues and illness in forest areas mass and how to manage these elements to minimise the cost and problems.We could analyse the Maresme's forest situation mass and the different Pirineo's forest areas.Also, they discussed the problem between natural parks of USA and Canada. Once the meeting ended, he shared with all of us his experiences and his big insect collection (with adult and larva size), insect galleries and symptoms that throughout his professional life he has been collecting. In this way, we ended up knowing clearly how are the main plagues of perforators and defoliators of Catalonia.

20/05/2019 - Working day with little excavators

Working day with little excavators

On May 23, the second students of GM of gardening had a working day with little excavators, machines very used in the gardening sector. The working day started by doing all the theoric part, about the excavator's functioning, the controls, the maintenance, the purchase and rent price, the efficiency and, especially, the precaution and security required when we work with them. When the theoric part was done, we switched to the practice part. The students, all and each of them, could practice either with the little excavator or the little rotating machine. It was a very good experience that will help them in professional life because they will be able to rent and work these machines with security and knowledge. At this point, we would like to express our gratitude towards the implication of Mr Carles Viladecans during the day.

14/05/2019 - 14/05/2019 - Student visit to the Camadoca wild fauna center

14/05/2019 - Student visit to the Camadoca wild fauna center

Student visit of the second GMF group. The students visited Camadoca's wild fauna centre. It's a centre managed by the Asociación de Defensa y Estudio de la Fauna y la Flora Autóctona (ADEFFA) which works in different Berguedà's native fauna conservation projects, like naiads and native crabs. With the visit, it was expected to raise awareness among the students about the invader species problem and the importance of native species breeding programmes. Environmental education and awareness is a key line of work at the centre because through education the ecologic value of these species can be published and put in motion the importance of biodiversity and the key role that people execute when it comes to preserving the environment.

07/05/2019 - Visit to Argentina by teacher Jordi González.

Visit to Argentina by teacher Jordi González.

Quick visit but very intense by the school's teacher, Jordi González in Argentina from April 28th to May 5th. Among the scheduled activities, he assisted to the "Encuentro del Consejo de Administración de la Asociación Internacional de Movimientos Familiares de Formación Rural " (AIMFR), of whic he is the coordinator. Also, he was intervened as a guest from the "Ministerio de Eduación" to the 3º "Congreso Internacional de Escuelas de Alternancia" in Posadas city. Mr González visited three EFA and four ex-students to exchange impressions about their professional projects, know more about the rural environment situation of the country and its pedagogical aspects teaching in the EFA.

24/04/2019 - Engineering Curso de Ingeniería y Arte del Paisaje Rural. Ed.18/19.

Engineering Curso de Ingeniería y Arte del Paisaje Rural. Ed.18/19.

This month March has ended the “Herramientas de Interpretación” classes, “Comunicación y Gestión” of the first edition of the course. We leave behind the sessions of “Análisis del Paisaje y de las Actuaciones Paisajistas”, in relation with the new interventions like the ones that are related with the maintenance aspects and environmental reality conservation of the forest and gardening sector. The sessions have been in a class combined with some interesting and varied countryside trips, lead them by numerous landscapists, technicians of the sector and Universidad de Vic’s teachers.

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10/04/2019 - Aldimak cooperates with a battery lawnmower

Aldimak cooperates with a battery lawnmower

Quintanes increase the machinery park for the “Jardinería” students with a battery lawnmower of the ECHO brand. Thanks to the collaboration we’ve done with Garriga’s Honda-Echo and Manresa’s Aldimak, we have managed to get this latest generation lawnmower. Battery machines, past and future, are the students' tools that use to test, to see and verify its efficiency and the results they offer. Therefore, we want to express our gratitude for the collaboration and involvement of these company in the traineeship of our students.

03/04/2019 - Student visit in Vallparadís gardens

Student visit in Vallparadís gardens

Student visit in Terrassa’s Vallparadís parks with the 2º GM students of “Jardinería”. We have explained aspects related to the management and the maintenance of public parks. Vallparadís park is made by three torrents: “Vallparadís”, “Monner” and “Ànimes”. Through the years the farmers distinguished the different areas of this green lung with the following names: “Torrent de les Bruixes”, “Torrent de Sant Pere”, “Torrent de Santa María”, “Hortes dels Frares”, “Hortes velles” y “Hortes de la Font de Sagrera.” The Vallparadís’s project period was adjudicated to Manuel Ribas Piera’s studio, an urbanist architect. The park was opened on February 8th, 1995 and made accessible to the citizens the first part of the actual park. In the subsequent stages that developed until its finalization. More than 395.000 m2 of green zone turn into one of the biggest urban parks of Catalonia. Vallparadís is Terrassa's green lung with a 3’9 km of length.

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28/03/2019 - Student Visit in Mas Pujol de la muntanya

Student Visit in Mas Pujol de la muntanya

The 1º students of GM of “Aprovechamiento y Conservación del Medio Natural” visited the Mas Pujol de la muntanya studios. In the visit, they worked and went into detail about country house management and the beginnings of vegetal health. Juan Marfil was responsible who explained to us the different topics related to the centenary chestnut management and the beginnings of vegetal health.

28/03/2019 - TP Jorge Heras

TP Jorge Heras

On Tuesday, 19 March Mr Jorge Heras, boss of the “Sección de Planificación del Departamento of Generalitat de Catalunya” gave us a professional get together. He has different functions. On the one hand, he is in charge of projects development and public investment programs in forestry hydrology area, hydrology restoration of basins, defence against erosion and avalanches and, preservation of forestry lands. On the other hand, he informs about the suggestions of urgent interventions zones. Also, Mr Jorge Heras is responsible for studying preventatives structures against forests fires in projects about reforestation and natural regeneration. And, he is in charge of elaborating programmes about forestry production, of improvement and pasture ordering. So, the get together definitely has been very interesting and rewarding.

27/03/2019 - Visits to the school

Visits to the school

This March some students of Olot's Escuela PIA, who are currently studying PFI: “Programa de Formación e Inserción Forestal (Education program and forestal insertion) have visited us. The studies are made for young people from 16 to 21 year old who weren’t able to get ESO. The visit was leaded by Marta Domènech, Forestry engineering of the Ripollès’s regional office.

27/03/2019 - Student visit Aricoforest

Student visit Aricoforest

Thursday, 27th of March, we visited with 2º students of “Superior de Gestión Forestal” the Aricoforest company installations in Les Preses. During the visit, the manager Antoni Arimany (Quintanes’s ex-student) explained to us how he managed, starting from almost nothing, to open a company dedicated in works about forestry, gardening and roads maintenance; how it is organized and how they manage to control it. And, how the company has been able to consolidate and enlarge. He also told us about Aricoforest bet by the use of alternative energy like sunlight and electric vehicle. The students could see the Aricoforest’s machinery part and its installations.

11/03/2019 - Escola 4 vents in Manlleu. An intensive day of practice!

Escola 4 vents in Manlleu. An intensive day of practice!

2o GM students of Gardening with Jordi Rosell and Toni Martorell, both practice teachers, have built the Escola 4 vents garden in Manlleu. The garden was designed by Carles Lorca and Manuel Vicente. The idea was about combining in the same area what each wind could provide to the school: a forest, a vegetable patch, an aromatic labyrinth and a sandbox where the kids could play. It was a great challenge! The students had to manage the replant, material and plant supply, and its execution with a closed budget. Thanks to the support of Albert Mas, who allow them to use his little excavator, the project was able to finish in a day. A complete success!

07/03/2019 - Visit to the Hospital Clínic Veterinari UAB, CRESA and Facultat de Veterinària - UAB Barcelona

Visit to the Hospital Clínic Veterinari UAB, CRESA and Facultat de Veterinària - UAB Barcelona

On Tuesday 7 March, 2o GS de Ramaderia i Assistència en Sanitat Animal students visited the Hospital Clínic Veterinari UAB. Our students could see the different areas assigned to animal treatment, either small, big or exotic animals. Whereas CRESA, health service animal’s laboratory, has as objective, in a general sector, researching and technologic development, studies and education in all the aspects of animal health. The students could see how does work a laboratory with biocontainment of Level 3 (NBS3). The visits were very enriching and motivational for our students.

01/03/2019 - Agricultural machinery visits in Can Fraser I Juscafresa

Agricultural machinery visits in Can Fraser I Juscafresa

On Thursday, 28 February, the 2o students of GM in Agriculture and Livestock Production made two student visits to complement the study machinery plan. In the morning, they visited Can Fraser de Aiguaviva where Mr Jordi Aulet explained us all the machinery they have, putting any kind of details about use, maintenance, failure, production, comparing between brand, price, profitability and so on. However, in the afternoon they visited Juscafresa company in Camallera where Juscafresa family explained us and show us everything regarding the design, manufacturing, assembly and commercialization about all their products, which they principally are spreaders trailers, UNIFEED trailers, platforms, zero grazers, etc. So, we want to express our gratitude to both company for their availability and good treatment towards us.

28/02/2019 - EFA Quintanes school welcome a visit of a French secondary school for the program development

EFA Quintanes school welcome a visit of a French secondary school for the program development

On Thursday, 28 February the school received the visit of three teachers from Lycee & CFPPA of Guingamp-Kernilis de Plouisy Bretaña (France). This secondary school (Lycee) is putting into practice a program of Erasmus. The objective of the visit was to know the school and its professional training methodology in Catalunya and set up a future collaboration between both schools in order to exchange students and teachers.

18/02/2019 - Visit to SESACOR

Visit to SESACOR

On February 15, the 1o students of GM of Agriculture and Livestock Production visited SESACOR company, dedicated in fattening, importation and exportation of calves and lambs. They work principally with “graze” calves of different breeds like Montbeliarde, Xarolaise, Suïssa, Llemosína and so on. In total, they fatten 5000 heads and when they gain around 720kg of weight, they put them on sale. One of the most important parts was the visit to different installations. They started with the old ones and ended with the latest. Through the visit, the students could see the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Sergi and his father Joan attend us very well and explained us all the questions we had about management, health service, commercialization, etc.

04/02/2019 - Sowing Practices

Sowing Practices

On 30 and 31 January, the 2o students of GM “Producció Agropecuària” practiced a sowing trial. It has been market 12 smallholdings with different types of barley and one of wheat. The practice goes especially for the study of seeders, Maintenance, use, calibration, and so on. Once all the lessons are done. The sowing trial starts.

22/01/2019 - Student Visit with 1o students of CFGM of Gardening

Student Visit with 1o students of CFGM of Gardening

On Tuesday 22 January, the 1o students of CFGM of Gardening visited Parcs I Jardins de Catalunya, SL. In this company they produce, build and design gardens, as well as their maintenance. In addition to this, they design and plan playgrounds and play areas over Catalunya. Parcs I Jardins de Catalunya is a leader company of gardening and environment in Catalunya.

22/01/2019 - Student visit with 1o students of CFGM “Producció Agropecuària”

Student visit with 1o students of CFGM “Producció Agropecuària”

Visit to Vernis & Taberner Equips S.L. On the last 18 Friday of January, the 1o students of GM “Producció Agropecuària” visited Vernis & Taberner Equips S.L company in Gurb, dealer of the John Deere brand.

Mr. Manel Lara showed us all and each one of the company’s installations while answering our doubts. When we finished, we took a look at the store and in the exhibition zone of new tractors. Also, we ask all the questions we had prepared before to take good advantage of the visit. The visit pleased a lot all the students. Therefore, we want to thank “Can Vernis” for their predisposition and their excellent treatment that they always give.

11/01/2019 - Visit to the Mas La Carrera

Visit to the Mas La Carrera

On January 11th, the Mas La Carrera farm, located in Sant Esteve d'en Bas (La Garrotxa), was visited by the students of the second-year students of the High Degree in Livestock and Animal Health. Mas La Carrera is a family company that currently has about 300 meat cows of different breeds, which fattens calves and markets quality beef products with the Natrus brand. Salvador Carrera, he explained to students the evolution and current operation of the company. Mas La Carrera is a pioneer in the introduction of cows of the Angus breed. This breed is recognized for the quality of its meat. In Mas La Carrera they also do agricultural work on the land. The livestock feed is of their own harvest, and in the case of cows it is based on pastures and forages, in addition to summer cows also transhumance in Ripollès to take advantage of mountain pastures. Cows are provident with an individual identification system and the Global Positioning System, GPS, which includes sensors that help the herd’s management. Feeding fattening calves is a "unifeed" type ration with a high fodder base. Mas La Carrera is a sample of a company that evolves, and undertakes improvement projects. The school, we appreciate Mas La Carrera the opportunity to make this interesting visit.

Showing 25 news items (76-100) of 563