16/05/2022 - Visit BCN Drone Center.

Visit BCN Drone Center.

We did a study visit to learn about the possibilities of drones in the world of landscaping. A tool of the present with a bright future.

The BCN Drone Center is 1 of the only 10 drone centers in the world. The first civilian drone company in Europe, and one of the pioneers worldwide, is here next door.

12/05/2022 - European audit EFESC.

European audit EFESC.

European Forestry and Environmental Skills Council (EFESC) is an organization of members of industry representatives and organizations that manage and oversee the capacity certification processes and competencies at the national level. EFESC was established in 2009 by members of the project Leonardo of the UE. In 2012 the EFESC Manual was approved, and the organization was formally established. EFESC's mission is to make smoother the mobility of forestry workers and green areas within the European Union in the accreditation and promotion of the recognition of individual national qualifications among partner countries at the European level.

In May Kris Hofkens (Inverde, Belgium), Jessica Schmidt (KWF, Germany) and Carles Lorca (EFESC National Agency, CTFC) visited the school to carry out the control audit.

02/02/2022 - Gardening Study Trip.

Gardening Study Trip.

Al principio del grado nos gusta realizar un viaje para introducir a los alumnos de primero de Grado Medio en el mundo de la Jardinería, por eso fuimos de viaje al País Valenciano, donde se programaron visitas a diferentes espacios para que puedan observar diferentes zonas verdes de tipologías variadas.

El objetivo de este viaje era ver los diferentes espacios verdes que puede haber y que puede acabar trabajando el alumno, ya que vimos jardines privados, parques públicos, jardines históricos y botánicos y finalmente un parque natural.

17/11/2021 - Visit to the Serradet de les Barneres.

Visit to the Serradet de les Barneres.

Last November 16th the agricultural students visited the exploitation of the dairy sheep farm of Serradet de Barneres. First, they learn another way to conceive livestock. The farmer adjusts to the animal's natural rhyme and not only makes connects with them, but also makes it economically viable. Although it may sound incredible, in this way and with only 100 sheep can live 3 families. We’ve been visiting them for years, and we state that this option is valid.

Over the years, it grows stronger and adapts easily to the changes that may occur. In closing, let us thank Maria Llorens and her hospitality

27/10/2021 - La leva del corcho.

La leva del corcho.

Day of the cork cam with the students of Exploitation and Conservation of the Natural Environment (FORESTRY). Peeling the cork consist of extracting it from the cork oaks(Quercus Suber). The cork, which is the tree's bark, is peeled with an ax, and it’s cut in vertical cuts (without exceeding the tree's capacity to regenerate). After that, we lever to remove the cork. Once peeled, the tree receives treatment to ensure its survival and subsequent exploitation. It takes an average of 50 years to be able to make the first extraction of the cork oak.

Moreover, it can be peeled every 14 years. We obtain the worst quality of the cork in the two first extractions, this cork can be used to make a conglomerate for insulation or panels. For the third time, the cork has better quality, and now it can be used to produce cork cam. From the Middle Ages to the 16th and 17th centuries, cork was used to make beehives, shoe soles, or insulators.

17/05/2021 - Visita to Cal Tubau

Visita to Cal Tubau

On 12 May, The students of 2o years “Cicle Formatiu de Grau mitjà en producció agropecuària” visited the farm Cal Tubau of 230 beef cows located in Pardines’ town (Ripollès). Josep Morera was responsible for explaining to students how to manage the farm placed in a mountain area.

Among other things, the visit allowed the students to know Bruna's breed and ecological production, planning about using available pastures to feed the cows. He explained that part of the flock is involved with transhumance in Empordà from December to May. From the school, we are thankful for the disponibility and the attention. It allowed our students to experiment because of the visit.

03/05/2021 - Floral Catskills championship.

Floral Catskills championship.

This year, the school will participate in floral @campionat_catskills. It will be the first edition of this discipline. Last year “Jardineria i Paisatgisme” of Quintanes’ team was placed in the third position.

The competition is about a practice session and tournament day. Two students participated (principal and reserve). Everyone will do a series of practices, and the two best-developed ones will come out as representatives.
Today was the day, good job!

Discovering floral art and unknown skills. Gardening has a very creative side that generally the students don’t have in mind, and they get surprised once they find out.

Gardening bloom in Quintans: setting up, preserving, and restoring exterior and interior gardens, like grass of sportive using, and carrying out activities of plant and florist production, taking place and maintaining the machinery and facilities, fulfilling with the environmental normative, the quality control and labor risk precaution.

03/05/2021 - Company practices.

Company practices.

During all the year, the school changes every two weeks of students: First-year and second-year students alternate. When the students are not in Quintanes, they are doing alternative practice. Each student has a practice convention signed, usually near their residence place. Once they end their studies, proximity, and knowledge of the area can turn into an already professional relationship.

In the photo, Roger Carbonell, a student of 2o “Paisatgisme i Medi Rural, on his daily life practices in the company. In this case, he collaborates on the management of the ecological vegetable garden of Can Jubany restaurant. The tutor took the photos during one of the follow-up visits. Where the tutor, in this case, Mr. Quico Arumí talks to the student to ensure everything is going correctly.

Thank you to all the companies that feed this unique way of teaching us.

30/04/2021 - Visit to Casa de les Abelles.

Visit to Casa de les Abelles.

The student Visit was to La Casa de les Abelles (Sant Pere de Torelló), where Ramon and Cèlia explained to us a lot of things related to the apiculture world. The visit was divided into two activities: the theoric one and the practice one, visiting the hives and applying what they explained to us previously. The visit concluded by extracting honey from a frame recently pulled out of the apiary and tasting it.

In this area, exists microclimates that benefit the existence of a large variety of flowers. Therefore, it makes possible an enriching and diverse fabrication with a great range of flavors and colors.

13/04/2021 - Visit to Mas La Carrera.

Visit to Mas La Carrera.

Student Visit of 2o year “Grau Superior de Ramaderia i Sanitat Animal” to Mas La Carrera. Mas La Carrera was the first, and for a long time, the only farm of Spain officially recognized by Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society An organization where its headquarter is located in Scotland and is in charge of the regulation breeding.

For some years, Mas La Carrera completed the breeding and fattening calves cycle with a feeding base of fodder and commercialized the meat produced with the brand NATRUS.

We are thankful for the student visits to the companies that open their gates and show us firsthand the reality and the daily life of the sector.

+ info:

17/03/2021 - Climbing sessions.

Climbing sessions.

During the 11th and 12th of March, the students of 2o “Grau Mitjà de Jardineria” carried out climbing practices and safety techniques in the trees. The sessions were divided into two days, and the students learned the different knots that are used (overhand knot, double eight knots, bowline, Prusik ...), the techniques to access trees, to move through the crown, and to be secure.

Moreover, we worked on how to unload branches in a controlled way from a tree with the use of pulleys and a brake. The sessions were developed with the participation of three professional arborist and expert climbers together with the arborist teachers from second of gardening.

Afterward, the students will have to do a climbing technique exam that validates they have achieved the basic competencies on these techniques.

24/02/2021 - Visit to Àngel Caralt sl

Visit to Àngel Caralt sl

The daily life of Quintanes students is very varied. Face-to-face classes, practices in the company, social gatherings with professionals, group visits to companies regarding the sector, and capacity professionals.

In the photo, the students of 2o “Grau Mitjà d’Agropecuària” visited Àngel Caralt sl. Angel has 37.4k followers on his Instagram profile @angelocromatto, which is not a coincidence! We asked him why he believes so. We made him think a little bit:

“Our specialty is ensile fodder, as a consequence the machinery team are big and in large quantity, this makes it very exciting to the public, a lot of people is passionate on this world, but never does it as the way I do.” So, making things with passion is the point!

11/02/2021 - Dragging practices.

Dragging practices.

One of our principal activities in the forest is dragging. An antique and hard job where the persons used to descend all the cut wooden trunks from the wooded area of the harbor to places with easy access. It was an animal draught work, where the co-protagonists were, without doubt, the horses.

Currently, the activity is the same. It keeps being one of the primary forestry activities, but it’s clear that technology has helped make labor less physical than it was in the past. Dragging is carried out with a skidder or capstan tractor, or, depending on the floor conditions, with a self-loading truck.

05/02/2021 - Prize "Premi Emprenedoria Quintanes/BBVA entorn rural"

Prize "Premi Emprenedoria Quintanes/BBVA entorn rural"

This 2021 “Premi Emprenedoria Quintanes / BBVA de l'entorn rural” celebrates the third edition, and it's done by increasing until four award-winning names. Among the newness of this new edition stand out the best project with 15,000 economic amount euros, and the three secondary awards it will be granted of 2,000 euros each. The three runners-up will be distributed among the different sector's participants:agro-stock, forestry, and gardening.

The people with enterprising spirit, self-employed and small companies with a maximum of 25 workers that have activities in the agro-stock, forestry, and gardening actor in Catalonia, can present their candidacy. The announcement of the third edition, “Premi Emprenedoria Quintanes/BBVA de l’entorn rural ” will be open until April 30, 2021. The candidatures can be submitted through the questionnaire available on the web. EFA Quintanes school, with Fundació Antiga Caixa Manlleu, BBVA, and Casa Tarradellas motivate the announcement of this award that highlight the importance of the companies and the agrarian activities. And recognize the entrepreneurs who manage a prosperous environment through initiatives that watch over for sustainability.

This award with a biennial feature has been carried out since 2016 and has the objective to spread the enterprising principles and innovation in the rural world. This third edition is celebrated in 2021 and not in 2020 due to the generated Covid-19 situation.

Follow us on our new social network of the award: IG - FB @premiquintanesbbvaentornrural // TW @PQuintanesBBVA

+ info:

03/02/2021 - Maintenance in the Jardines del Despujol.

Maintenance in the  Jardines del Despujol.

The 2º students of “Grau mitjà de jardineria” have done height pruning practice and the use of the elevator platform in the Despujol gardens. These gardens are in the Les Masies de Voltregà town council building. The school keeps a collaboration convention with the town council, and for four years, we are carrying out pruning and forest maintenance.

Moreover, the students have worked on how forest management is developed, the risk management of the urban trees, trees inventory, and other technical aspects.

In March, will be complemented the practices of climbing and security to access the trees.

These practices are included on the students' curriculum of the "Grau mitjà de jardineria" and are complemented, with an specific certification on lifting platform handling and height pruning.

The intervention consists of different sessions throughout the school year, with forestry students (the ones in the photo), and "Cicle formatiu de grau mitjà de jardineria; paisatgisme, medi rural and forestals de grau superior ". A detail that makes it more interesting because of the focus labor in multidisciplinary form.

18/01/2021 - Visit to the farm Mas Bes.

Visit to the farm Mas Bes.

Another year, the 1º students “Grau Superior de Ramaderia i Sanitat Animal “visited Mas Bes agriculture farm. Mas Bes is a company that produces milk for the ATO Natura brand.

Joan Viñolas explained to all of us the evolution and current functioning of the farm, the biogas plant where they produce electricity, and the solar photovoltaic plates for their self-consumption. Moreover, the visits to the farm they offer to all types of interested groups.

Generally, the Mas Bes visitors can complete the experience by visiting the “Museu de Pagès” to discover the life evolution of the countryside, the agro shop where you can buy products of own production, and finally, eat at the farm restaurant. The current circumstance and the limitation to receive visits due to the Covid -19 pandemic has driven Mas Bes to increase sum catalogs of nutritional products, creating new elaborate products and offering new service as, for example, selling Christmas baskets.

Mas Bes is an example of an open public company that progresses and risks new projects. From the school, we want to express our gratitude to Mas bes for this opportunity to conduct this interesting visit.

We hope soon, farms like Mas Ben will be able to retake their excellent production and educational activity that allows all kinds of public to understand and appreciate the importance of basic food fabrication like milk and meat.

+ info:

13/11/2020 - Teaching Quality Day

Teaching Quality Day

We have participated at the "Bones pràctiques" table in FP dual in the "XVIII Jornada de Qualitat" in Ensenyament, where we have exposed our experience and curiosity.

As stated by the Department of education, these conferences aim to promote management improvements: effective and efficient. And help centers gaining excellent results in all their processes, especially those on learning and teaching. It has been very enriching sessions because of participation. And we could listen to other examples that will help us improve the system we are carrying out yet.

We appreciate the opportunity that the Department of Education has given us by inviting us to participate.

+ info:

28/10/2020 - New strimmer Honda-Echo and Aldimak.

New strimmer Honda-Echo  and Aldimak.

This week we have increased the machinery park with the acquisition of the new forestal strimmer of 4 -cycles UMK ​450 of 50cc courtesy by Honda-Echo and Aldimak.

After some years, requesting Honda to build 4-cycle strimmers of bigger cylinder capacity for forestry works, finally, they have put on sale this season a strimmer with these characteristics.

This strimmer would be able to carry different cut tools in addition to the wire and garbage disposal blade as well. The last one is a very relevant aspect for our students to see the advantages and strong points between 4-cycles and 2-cycles motors, always having as reference the forestry works.

Principal advantages are 25% savings in combustibility, less noise, fewer vibrations, less contamination, to sum up, and excellent economic and ergonomic efficiency.

Eager to try it!

23/10/2020 - Mas Terricabras

Mas Terricabras

Visit of 2º “Grau Mitjà de Produccions Agropecuàrie”s to Mas Terricabras agricultural farm in Oristà.

Mas Terricabras is a familiar farm where it produces cereals and leguminous, and production of porcine and bovine cattle and fattening. Moreover, they generate biomass destined for heating and electric fabrication with solar photovoltaic plates set up at the farm roof.

Other singular productions are chickpeas with the designation of origin, a wheat variety called Formet escairat, green tomato, and direct commercialization. Also, jointly with other Lluçanès farms, they welcome visits in touristic routes called “La Ruta del Pa i la Ruta de la llet ”. Since the school, we express our gratitude to Mas Terricabras for this fascinating visit.

23/10/2020 - Dual practices.

Dual practices.

A new year begins. And we evaluate how the learning has been in DUAL studies during the summer season. Because of covid19, we had to postpone the start. But once we had assimilated the situation, all the appropriate adaptations were carried to achieve correct monitoring of the learning process, always keeping in mind the new sanitary conditions. The personal and direct connection between the third parts implied in the stay, student-school-company, guarantee this is enriching and accurate for all of them.

From the school, we strongly bet for this professional stay system in the company, and for this reason, we realized it would be interesting to extend it to the rest of the training courses taught at school. Being always motivated for the exit of good experiences lived in the last years in the“Cicle de agropecuaria”. We know that walking forward in this direction, we increase the possibilities of the student incorporation in the company where he/she has carried out his DUAL stay.

23/10/2020 - Vidrà trip - Sant Pere de Torelló.

Vidrà trip - Sant Pere de Torelló.

The first student visit with the 1o students of “Gray Superior de Gestió Forestal i del Medi Natural” was a walking trip from Vidrà to Sant Pere de Torelló, where we could introduce ourselves to the forestry area interpretation.

Through the path, we knew different forestry arboreal, bushy and herbaceous species of the traditional vegetation Mediterranean weather. We learned to interpret different ways a forest area can be and, to know some measuring tools that are used to carry out a dasymetric inventory.

23/10/2020 - Reproduction Tortoise center.

Reproduction Tortoise center.

Visit to the reproduction tortoise center of Albera, located in Garriguella, and “Parque Medioambiental” in Selva. During the morning, we visited the Mediterranean tortoise breeding in Garriguella, in the Albera mountains, where turtles are breed to be released into the natural environment. A beautiful species as threatened as well. Joan Budó accompanied us through the visit making it very pleasant and didactic.

In the afternoon, we visited “Parque Medioambiental de la Selva,” where they manage a good part of the waste gathering from the region. They distribute and do organic matter treatment, as well. The person in charge, Núria Cifra, showed us the plant and explained to us its work.

01/10/2020 - Final Project year.

Final Project year.

Final Projects of the year consist of the last educational register that allows evaluating students’ competencies achieved through their academic training.

The link connection among the learning and professional training defines their singularity regarding the last projects realized so far. This year, the development, monitoring, and presentation have been different due to the exceptional situation we are living in nowadays. However, students and teachers have been up to this entrust responsibility. As always, the results have been very satisfactory. We ended a year they are going to remember forever.

Good job, good results.

29/09/2020 - New school year 2020-21.

New school year 2020-21.

“ I hope after this summer period you have rested and are excited to start a new school year and be willing to work and achieve the objectives we have fixed for this year. As you know, the pandemic is still with us, and we commit ourselves to adapt to this situation and follow the protocols and preventive health measures that will be a priority since the first day, to all of us and all the students. At the same time, the school will follow its formative teaching without losing the essence and the educational system that defines it.

I attach you a general teaching plan and “Pla d’organització I d’actuació curs 20-21 en el marc de la pandèmia de l’escola Quintanes”. We have done some modifications regarding what I sent you in July, adding new Department instructions. It is so important to read it down to the last detail and study this planning”.

22/09/2020 - Honor enrolment.

Honor enrolment.

All our students are a present to us #familiaquintanes

I ́m Laia Rius, and I’ve already finalized “Ramaderia i Assistència en Sanitat Animal” studies in EFA Quintanes. I achieved an honour enrolment and a recognition in Argó awards organized by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. It has been possible due to my stay in school. That has helped me in my personal and academically development.

I take with me a lot of good memories of these two years, and I recommend everyone who wants to focus his/her professional career in a farming or rural scope. I believe these studies are very useable. Either for the people who want to focus in ranching or the ones who want to keep in their university degrees like veterinary science or agronomist engineering because they offer you the required theoretical bases and great practice experience in different companies.

I’m Estel Barceló and in the middle of the pandemic situation I’ve ended “Cicle Superior de Ramaderia i Assistència en Sanitat Animal” in Quintanes. It seems impossible time passes so quickly. I still have in mind the day I began. Despite, a bittersweet finishing, I appreciate a lot these two years studying what I’m passionate for, learning new concepts and being part of this school.

I do not know what the future will bring me, but now I am sure where I am, what I want to be and what I like to be. From here, I would like to encourage everyone to discover this satisfactory feeling that can be get from Quintanes and all its people around.

Last but not least, I would like to encourage all of you to take in advantage the chances are planned within these studies: visits, study programs, trips and so on. All of them are priceless!! Besides, all the moments lived through Quintanes are unforgettable, and being quite honestly, Quintanes has made me grow as a person. I’m very grateful. Thanks to Quintanes I can leave with a full bag. I hope we’ll get in touch soon! Thanks, Quintanes family!

How easy is learning when you want to learn, you like what you’re learning and, they help you in learning

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