07/05/2013 - Study visit to the Can Barrina compost plant

Study visit to the Can Barrina compost plant

On Tuesday 7th May, the first year CFGM Gardening students made a fascinating visit to the livestock farm ´Can Barrina`, located in Santa Cecília de Voltregà. Can Barrina holds milk-producing cows as well as pigs, whose waste, as well as other organic matter, is turned into compost. The person in charge of the compost producing procedure, Mr Jaume Heras, explained to the students about the compost's special properties produced by the systems they use; aerobic systems, static piles and forced ventilation. Our students could also see how temperature and oxygen are regulated regarding the compost layers and the results of the different mixtures, some of which combine compost with special soil, pine cork...etc, in order to obtain a variety of products for gardening, nurseries and horticulture.

07/05/2013 - Study visit to ´Mas Badia`, in La Tallada d'Empordà, IRTA experimentation fields

Study visit to ´Mas Badia`, in La Tallada d'Empordà, IRTA experimentation fields


On Tuesday 7th May the second year CFGS Pig breeding organisation and management course students went to visit the IRTA centre in La Tallada d'Empordà. The students were able to see experimental fields of extensive crops, where the IRTA technician, Mr Joan Serra, showed them how to detect and diagnose visually diseases and plagues found in cereal crops, observing the symptoms and levels of infestation. They also learned about ways to fight these problems and the differences in infection of sensitive and resistent varieties of crop, as well as the disparities of disease in examples treated with and without fungiside. 

03/05/2013 - Tree-culture and climbing day for the medium-level gardening course

Tree-culture and climbing day for the medium-level gardening course

On 3rd May, the above gardening group had a day of tree-culture and climbing in the grounds of the school. Students were able to learn different climbing techniques and see the latest equipment in this sector. The session was led by; Frederic Llambès, Francesc Boix and Juan Crespo, key experts in this area and regular collaborators with the school. During the day we learned about different techniques related to this very specialised field. We also saw the latest types of material used. Students and teachers enjoyed a dry day after a very wet period.

29/04/2013 -

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18/04/2013 - Study visit to Cultius Roig

Study visit to Cultius Roig


On Thursday 18th of April the second year Medium-level Gardening course students visited the gardening business, Cultius Roig, in Premià de Mar, dedicated to the production of ornamental plants. Fifty percent of their products are different varieties of geraniums. They also produce ecological plants for foreign markets, in particular Germany. The Production Technician Mr David Serra explained to us about the different phases of production, from in vitro cultivation to the orders department, and including reproduction, transplantation and root planting.

17/04/2013 - Tree Climbing day

Tree Climbing day


On Wednesday, 17th April, we held a Tree Climbing day at the ´Pelut` garden in Orís. Students from the higher-level second-year Natural Resources and Landscaping course had the chance to practise making knots (Prusik etc...) that they had learnt the day before at the school.

Three professional tree specialists and climbers put together five different areas where the students could practise different climbing techniques and use the necessary equipment.

All these techniques, as well as a knowledge of botany and physics, are essential for those gardeners who want to work professionally with pruning and felling.

17/04/2013 - Study visit to Semega and Mas Gener

Study visit to Semega and Mas Gener


On the 17th April we travelled to the Girona area to visit two innovative companies involved in livestock genetics. In the morning Xavier Carrer from Semega showed us around the the company's facilities and then explained the new technology called Genòmica. In the afternoon the Xifra brothers at Mas Gener were kind enough to explain to us the genetic origins of their herds and how their robotic milking machines work on their farm.

12/04/2013 - A technical day dealing with trees, so very interesting!

A technical day dealing with trees, so very interesting!


Last Friday 12th of April we at the school talked about trees as part of the PATT training day. Mr Josep Selga explained the characteristics that trees must have and, more to the point, how to grow a good, healthy tree. We talked at length about the production process of trees in a nursery and how to care for them properly. Mr Selga also spoke about the transportation of a tree, which is a vital stage in its life if quality is to be ensured. Lastly, there was a turn of questions which saw a lively and improvised round-table discussion occur.

12/04/2013 -

10/04/2013 - Visit to ´El Francàs Vell`

Visit to ´El Francàs Vell`


On Wednesday 10th April the students who study the medium level Forestry course at Quintanes made a visit to ´El Francàs Vell` in Sant Agustí de Lluçanès. The site manager, Albert Camprubí, explained to the students about the type of forest found in the area and the different activities that the business carries out; from agrotourism to cow farming. The students also had the chance to see in person the various forestry-related tasks taking place and learnt how both forestry and farming related activities can complement each other. 

08/04/2013 - EFA Quintanes / MFR Chateau Jolibert exchange

EFA Quintanes / MFR Chateau Jolibert exchange

Between the 8th and 12th April Quintanes received a group of French students from the Maison Familiale Rurale ´Chateau Jolibert` school, found in the town of Bourgougnague, in the Aquitània region. The group stayed with us at the school and made various technical visits to different local businesses in the agriculture and farming sector; Embotits la Gleva, the Mas Carous farm in Gurb, the New Holland showroom in Vic, the wine and cava firm Olivella Galimany and the Pere Lluch oil producer in Guardiola de Font Rubí. They also made some tourism-related visits in Barcelona. While the French group was with us in Catalonia, a group of Quintanes students has spent time gaining work experience with French companies in the area around the MFR Chateau Jolibert school. All this has come about thanks to the collaboration between the two schools involved.

04/04/2013 -

03/04/2013 - Study visit to Semen Cardona

Study visit to Semen Cardona

On Thursday 14th March we visited Semen Cardona. This is a company dedicated to the production and commercialisation of multi-genetic pig semen. The firm is based in the Cardona area and has the objective of carrying out exhaustive controls on the entire semen production process, with a view to guaranteeing maximum quality in the final product. The students from the higher level Pig Breeding management and organisation course had the opportunity to see the company's Cardona centre first-hand. Technical director, Xavier Barrera, guided us on the visit as we learnt about the latest developments in the elaboration and handling of pig semen.

02/04/2013 -

21/03/2013 - Visit to Ripollès

Visit to Ripollès

On 21st March the second year medium level Forestry students made a visit to Ripollès. Agriculture Department technician, Santi Farriol, explained to us about wood auctions and managing public estates. We were also able to see the different silvi-cultural projects in progress in red pine forests, the building of forest pathways and the general management of public-use forest areas.

20/03/2013 - Study visit to Agric-Bemvig and Juscafresa

Study visit to Agric-Bemvig and Juscafresa

  On Wednesday 20th March the students from the medium-level Pig Farm production course made a study visit to two firms dedicated to producing agricultural machinery. In the morning we went to Agric-Bemvig, in Masies de Voltregà, a company involved in making different types of farm machinery, like milling and crushing equipment.

In the afternoon we visited Juscafresa, a family-orientated business, dedicated to producing different sorts of trailer. This firm is based in Camallera, Girona and has recently found new markets in countries like Mexico and New Zealand. 

We were very well looked after at both companies and would like to express our thanks to everyone involved for adding to our students' learning.

18/03/2013 - Study visit with the second-year Pig farming management and organisation students to Baviera, German

Study visit with the second-year Pig farming management and organisation students to Baviera, German


Between the 18th and 22nd of March this year we had the opportunity to visit the Baviera region of Germany. The group was made up of 7 students and two teachers; Jordi González and Marco A. Jacho López. During the trip we made different technical visits including ones to the Deutz Fahr agricultural machinery factory, the Gotz bio-management farm, Lampl - hof direct sell, the Kellerer milk-producing cow farm, the Reitanlage Fenzl horse farm and the Schneidhuber liquid-feed pig farm.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following groups and people for their collaboration; the managers of Terramaq Josep Maria i Lluc, Same Deutz Fahr Iberica, the farm material firm Weda and partners, BayWa and Martin Schubler, representative of the Ministry of Baviera Agriculture and Food.

15/03/2013 - Study Visit to Claro Farm

Study Visit to Claro Farm

On the 15th March the students from the second-year medium level Pig Breeding production course visited the forest rabbit re-population farm at Palafolls. It was a very interesting visit, given that the farm has very different management, sanitary and production processes to normal animal farms. Mr Pere Clarà explained to us all the different aspects of this facility which intends to aid the re-population of hunting zones.

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