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Course Rural Landscape Engineering and Art

2nd edition. Registration available until October 31.
Starting on november 8

Schedule and place

Universitat de Vic, Campus Miramarges, and Escola Quintanes, in Les Masies de Voltregà



Course that offers a specialization in the implementation of new projects and in the tasks of management and maintenance of activities that take advantage of rural resources. To be able to analyze the characteristics of the rural world and to contribute new values, always from a perspective of sustainability and respect to the human and natural aspects involved. Open the door to the use of tools that improve and professionalize their interventions.


Students from the University, coming from CFGS and professionals from the working world who demonstrate a minimum knowledge on key topics of the course. Sectors from which you can access: gardening, landscaping, environment, forestry, architecture, fine arts, ecology, biology, management personnel related to these fields.

Content / Credits

A1 Landscape Analysis: 'The look of one who contemplates (20 h).
Philosophical Reflections; History of gardening; Evolution of the landscape concept; Aesthetics and ethics in the landscape; Landscape, cultural heritage and identity; Education and landscape; Landscape and health; The productive environment and its environment.
A2 Landscape Analysis: The object to be contemplated ' (20 h).
Physical and climatology; Geological and edaphological system; Water system; Botany and plant recognition; Fauna and landscape; Geobotany and ecology; The human landscape and its interactions; Acoustics and environment; Accessibility analysis.
B1 Landscaping: 'New interventions in the environment' (25 h).
Typologies of intervention projects; Construction and landscape; Irrigation and drainage; Lighting and other facilities; Rural infrastructure; Herbaceous and prairie plants, hydrosize; Use of plant material.
B2 Landscape Activities: 'Landscape Maintenance and Conservation (25 h).
Arboriculture and tree management; Basic concepts of forest and agricultural management; Cattle ranching and management; Preparation of management plans; Maintenance of lawns and grasslands; Use of plant material; Plant health; Management of cleaning and control of unwanted herbs; Erosion control, revegetation and slope treatment; Management and prospects of the landscaping and landscape company; Hunting and game management.
C Interpretation, Communication and Management Tools: 'The Technological Media (35 h).
Technical representation of projects; Communication of ideas and concepts; Mapping and territorial information systems; Access and use of existing legislation; Budget management; Specifications of administrative and technical conditions; Planning and management of works; Risk assessment and preventive measures; Use of new technologies; Environmental impacts; Sustainability plans.

Course Rural Landscape Engineering and Art<br><br>2nd edition. Registration available until October 31.<br>Starting on november 8


Friday from 15:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.
Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Whole course: 125 h + projects workshop 5h.


Amount of the entire course: 1600 €
Amount for modules: A1: 246€, A2: 246€, B1: 308€, B2: 308€, C: 430€, projects workshop: 62€.
Possibility to study a single module or several.

Professional outings

Technical specialized in analysis and knowledge of the characteristics and values of the rural environment. Technician in the implementation of new projects, and the management and organization of projects and initiatives in the rural world. Private and public companies of gardening, forestry, agriculture, landscaping, architecture, urbanism. Administration.


- Title of Diploma. Students with a university degree.
- Certificate Specialization University. Students without a university degree.

Course profile in PDF

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